SEL in the Classroom Training Series
Professional development that provides an SEL toolkit for teachers.
Help teachers meet the social and emotional needs of students and build a classroom environment where every individual has the opportunity to learn.
The Power of Pause: Emotion Regulation Tools in the Classroom
1-2 hour or full-day training
Participants will…
Learn research-based best practices for emotion regulation in the classroom
Create a toolbox of emotion regulation resources to implement with students
Description: Research shows that mindfulness practice improves stress resilience, strengthens concentration, and builds connection. However, in the busyness of day-to-day teaching and leaning, it’s hard to remember to slow down, reflect, and incorporate meaningful silence. How can we build quick and easy practices into the day that will support this crucial skill for students, and give teachers time to pause as well? Learn tools for teaching mindfulness to students, and implementing it into your classroom routine.
Overcoming Isolation: Creating a Sense of Belonging in the Classroom
1-2 hour or a half-day training
Participants will…
Explore the research on belonging and the obstacles that inhibit it
Learn strategies for overcoming these obstacles through group practices and protocols
Description: A classroom is a community—and one in which students spend much of their waking life. Whether that classroom environment cultivates belonging, or reinforces isolation, is therefore a strong determiner of social, emotional and physical health for students. Ultimately, it has an impact in whether students are willing and able to learn. Gain tools to create belonging in classroom communities— despite obstacles we may face along the way.
The Value of Listening: A Key to Effective Communication for Teachers and Students
2 hour workshop or a half-day training
Participants will…
Learn to avoid acting out the myths that keep us from being present for others
Build listening skills that will improve personal and professional communication
Description: We spend 70-80% of our waking time communicating, and listening is the communication skill we use the most. However, when communication is taught in schools, we mostly focused on speaking. Good listening skills help us learn, gain perspective, and be more effective collaborators. Learn about the crucial skill of listening, and how we can teach this skill to students.